Computability day 2021

The 2021 computability day of GdR IM will take place online, September 3rd.

The Zoom link is the following :

The aim of this day is to gather French and foreign researchers interested in computabilities:

  • Classical computability (reductions, degrees, priority methods, ...)
  • Other computation models: geometrical models (tilings, cellular automata ...), algebraic models (Abstract State Machines), dynamical and distributed models (sand piles, population protocols, ...), continuous time computation, ordinal time computation, computation on infinite structures (reals, orders...).
  • Applications and interactions of computability with the following fields: constructive/computable mathematics, cryptology, virology, information theory, randomness, Kolmogorov complexity, algorithmic complexity, model theory,  proof theory, reverse mathematics, set theory, domain theory.




Le programme est disponible ici.


Registration is free, yet mandatory.



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